Don’t you just hate it when….

‘- the Mis-matchers guide to messing things up!

Don’t you just hate when people are just not listening or when your boss just doesn’t get it? This article is the perfect guide for the mis- matcher to ensure that life just doesn’t work. Enhance your ability to mess everything up.

When they deliver
If you are still here, I’m a little surprised or am I? We all claim to desire a better life, business or whatever, but still the “bad news” is a crucial selling point in the news industry. So how come we all want better things to happen but the tabloids and magazines sell well, when they deliver the killings, wars and negative forecasts?

The idea that I can eat unhealthy food and stay healthy is still science fiction, and the same is true when it comes to our mental abilities. The free flow and ability to succeed is not the consequence of suppressing negative thinking, it’s the consequence of constructive thinking. There is no chance of innovative thinking when the mind is eating trash.

My experience is the same
Everything is interconnected! And so is the synchronicity of our thoughts, words, emotions and actions, the four key influencers of the human ability to create breakthroughs for our selves. Since 2004 I have relentlessly presented this concept, the “breakthrough now” concept, to people everywhere. My experience is the same: when we accept that we “need” to synchronize those four factors, we open the vault to a set of governing dynamics: we hit a law of nature and the breakthrough is inevitable.

Survival of the fittest
If you emotionally desires the negative news, the negative news will desire your mind, and what your mind is full of is what you fill your life with. And if you try to short cut it by chasing the positive you will activate the game of hunting. What I mean by that demands an explanation: Look at the lion and the gazelle. Life has put them in the game of hunting. When the predator starts hunting the prey will start running. The wind, the conditions of the environment and the circumstances all determine who will eat and who will die. The old fashion claim that life is the survival of the fittest is now “proven” or is it?

Other animals have developed strategies from which we can learn quite a lot. Some animals, when hunted by the predator, “play” dead! What happens to the predator? He gets confused and often he gives up his task of killing. The same game is seen when we chase the success and the here and now circumstances allow the “prey” to get away – we get confused and give up.

What is my point? When you hunt anything, like for example, being right then being right starts running. So when we seek other people by; “don’t you just hate it when” or by being all positive all the time, suppressing negative thoughts, just sending them out the window – well, I guess I made my point.

In the breakthrough now concept there is a powerful tool of how to stop hunting and start a much more effective way of attracting your prey – is it wealth, happiness, a boyfriend or anything else? The power of synchronising your thoughts, words, emotions and actions is mind-blowing.

If you want to do it – do it now.

Del indlægget:
Christian Campbell

Christian Campbell

Grundlægger & Business Provocateur

Christian Campbell er en dansk-britisk psykoterapeut, forfatter og iværksætter. Han er kendt som Business Provocateur og hjælper virksomheder over hele verden med at opnå ekstraordinære resultater. Christian er forfatter til "Business Unusual" og er en førende autoritet inden for virksomhedstransformation. Hans unikke blanding af psykoterapeutisk ekspertise og forretningserfaring fra den virkelige verden gør ham til en efterspurgt rådgiver og tankeleder.

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Tilmeld dig vores nyhedsbrev

Vær på forkant med udviklingen med vores nyhedsbrev, som udkommer 5-6 gange om året! Hver udgave er spækket med hurtige indsigter og tankevækkende ideer, der er designet til at inspirere dig til at tænke ud af boksen. 

Uanset om du søger nye perspektiver på aktuelle forretningstendenser eller blot er på udkig efter en gnist af kreativitet, tilbyder vores nyhedsbrev værdifuldt indhold, der sætter gang i innovationen og giver brændstof til din professionelle rejse.

Bliv en del af vores fællesskab af fremsynede tænkere, og gå aldrig glip af en mulighed for at løfte din tænkning. Tilmeld dig i dag, og begynd at modtage din dosis inspiration direkte i din indbakke!