You will fail! You will fail and thats a good thing, if you know how to take advantages of it. Christian talks about: Deceiving Patterns, finding not
What kind of “church” are you building?
As so many other terms, objectivity has been molested by quick-fix philosophies and oversimplification. It’s a result-killer and it leads us into expensive and time-wasting
Everything you desire!
Rituals are one of the strongest powers when it comes to influencing the human mind! That’s why it always seems logical to make such things
The ugly truth about Apple!
Success makes most companies arrogant and lazy! Or in reality, most people working in successful companies don’t have the personal skill-set to contain success, and
The formula – that makes everything else work!
When it comes to growing a business significant (or anything else for that matter) it is utterly important having the skill-set of making all you
Campbell’s blog: Future Leadership!
Imagine we as leaders could mix our experiences with our children’s openness, to look for new directions when we are stuck!? Imagine we as leaders
Campbell’s blog: A game changer!
Imagine you have yourself a football, and in front of you a wall. The rules of the game you are about to play are quite